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I Am A City Builder

2012 February 14
by Dan McGrady

To me, there is no greater calling than building cities. Cities foster proximity. Proximity promotes interaction. We know that the closer people are to each other, the healthier, more productive, more economically secure, innovative, creative and efficient they are because of the interaction.

Cities are more than a collection of buildings. People are the magic of cities, and City Builders create places for people.

Why are City Builders important? Quite simply, buildings are where people live, work and create.

City Builders make places where dreams come to life. Buildings and the public spaces around them are where inspiration, creativity and innovation happen.

In Portlandia, they sing that Portland is the place young people go to retire. I believe that Seattle is the place people come to change the world.

Seattle is a regional hub that attracts people from around the world, and Seattle has produced more than its share of global companies and NGOs. City Builders are an integral part of this dynamic.

City Builders seeks to raise awareness of what we do and our place in the community. You are a critical part of city building. Join us.


Photo credit: Laurie Ascanio, GLY Construction