H & T
H & T = Housing and Transportation = An ongoing series of intentionally banal pictures of the places in which we live with the vehicles in which we travel, pictures that have the capacity to become less and less banal the closer you look, because no matter how commonplace it all may seem to those of us who see these forms and elements every day, they are all products of diverse human personalities steeped in history and culture, and they say everything about who we really are. And as all you wonky wonks surely know, housing and transportation are the cornerstones of urban design and planning. (Click on the images to enlarge.) Last updated June 25, 2011.

< Central District >

< Central District >
More H&T photos after the jump…
More H&T photos after the jump…

< Central District >

< Vincennes, just outside Paris; photo: Ray Gastil >

< Central District >